
As you know, I associate sunflowers with Nif. I was listening to Spotify, and this song came on. Too good not to share.


Respect for Aretha Franklin

The iconic Aretha Franklin passed away today

One of her most icon songs was Respect, which has always held a special place in my heart due to how much it remind me of Jen.


Happy Friendversary With Jennifer DeVito

Oh Facebook. Curse you and your complex algorithms.


St. Patrick’s Day Parade

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day later this week (Friday March 17, 2017), I wanted to share a YouTube video my parents found.

This is from 2009; Jen is twirling with the incredible Silver Starlites.

Birthday Card

Yesterday, Nif’s best friend (and now my friend) sent me some pictures of an old birthday card she found from Jennifer. More

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