Rainbows Over the Harbor

The other day I was driving home from work, and one of my Sorority sisters sent me two beautiful pictures of rainbows. They were a perfect pick-me-up after a long day:

Thank you Y-Sub ❤

Rainbow in Jennifer Land

Yesterday, I got the best tweet from one of my sorority sisters. I looked at my phone, saw I had an “@” mention, and noticed it was a link to a picture. Intrigued to what it could be, I opened the link, and then started to cry.


Rough Weekend

I don’t know why, but this was a rough weekend for me, filled with lots of tears. There were so many things that reminded me of Jen, or caught me off guard, and made me really, really sad.

Shall we recap?


Rt. 9 Rainbows

You all know how much I like Rainbows, and how I think of Jen when I seem one. The other day, I was driving south on Rt. 9 and saw a partial rainbow. It was just a blob of rainbow-ness in the sky. I pulled over, took out my blackberry, and snapped some pictures.


Signs Comes in Threes

Sometimes, I feel, nay, know, I get signs from Niff. You may call me crazy, but I know that is what they are. And, when I get three signs all at once, then I definitely know it is for real.


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