Ice Cream & Spicy Nuggest

(I found this draft saved on my phone from October 8th. I know I wrote a blog similar to this, but I think it’s worth to re-post)

Jennifer and I always borrowed stuff from each other. Even best friends.


Lost Dreams

For me, one of the most difficult parts of grief is dealing with lost dreams. ThereĀ are no words to describe the pain and hurt of loosing Niff, but sometimes I get so caught up in missing things that didn’t even happen yet.


Jen’s Art | 4 Months

This is a sweet story, that comes with an all too coincidental preface.

Scene: Wednesday Evening

I went to the craft store with Jen’s BFF, and we were just walking around and talking. We started talking about how her little sister and Jen are both very artistic and could both draw very well. She showed me a picture that her sister drew of an eye, that looked so realistic. I said Jen could draw so well, and how she was so good at art in school. We finished walking around and went to go get nuggets.


I am Thankful For…

Well, it is Thanksgiving eve.

And as we slowly approach the holiday season, it is important to be thankful for all that we do have, even in the shadow of tragic events.

A friend (Thanks RS) sent me an e-mail today, with the a post from Tiny Buddha, an online blog that shares simple wisdoms via blog, Twitter and Facebook. This particular post was one of those “wow” moments.


Nugget Party

For Jen’s Birthday, what did I have for lunch?
