St. Patricks Cathedral

This past weekend, the Lobster and I made our annual holiday season pilgrimage to New York City. We stopped at all our favorite spots, but this year, I added something new.


Thank You

Well, we made it through the one year mark. It was a rough day, but that was to be expected. However, I don’t think it would have been possible without the help and support from our friends and family, and for that, I want to say, “Thank you.”


94 Years

Yup. That is how long my Nanny lived to. She passed away on February 23rd at 94 years old. Can you even believe that? She was born in 1916, and lived a long, full life.


“Are You F#!&ing Kidding Me?!”

I know.

I have a potty mouth. But that is what I said yesterday when I was driving home from work. I looked up into the sky, and saw a part of a rainbow. I drove into some development to try and take a picture, but it was quickly covered up with clouds. I just thought it was a nice thing to see on Niff’s 6 Month Angelversary.


Car at Church

Last night, my Mom, my Dad, and myself went to Church for All Soul’s Day mass. It was a small mass; maybe about 75 people there.

Before we went into the Church, in the vestibule was a sheet for all the parents to write down the names of their children that they lost. Then during the mass, there was a part when all the names of the children were called, and a family member for that person went up, and lit a special candle. By the end, there was a huge display of flickering candles.

The mass was different. You could just feel the sadness in the room. And there was a range from young parents, to older couples. And you could see people around the room crying and heard people sniffling. My Mom and Dad were crying, which made me even more sad. I offered my Mom my sleeve to wipe her boogies on, but she politely declined. The one thing I liked about the mass was the Priest sad he had no idea the pain the parents felt, and he would never know, because he was, well, a Priest. I thought that was nice; he didn’t try to sugar coat the fact that the pain everyone was feeling was astronomical.


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