
As you know, I associate sunflowers with Nif. I was listening to Spotify, and this song came on. Too good not to share.


Just The Way You Are

The past few days at work, I’ve heard Just the Way You Are more times than I can ever remember.

Thanks Jen ❤

For the Rest of My Life

I know, I know, I haven’t blogged in a while, and for that I am sorry. I’ve been swamped at work with projects, and even more busy at home.

I’ve always said how much music reminds me of Nif, as I think it was a big part of her life. There has been this new song out, that whenever I hear it, I instantly think of Jen.

After a few quick taps on my iPad, I present to you, my first photo slide-show.


Please Note: This video may not work on your mobile devices due to copyright laws. Go figure…

Dad’s CD No. 1

Last week, my car was in and out of the shop because I needed new tires and brakes. My dad let me borrow his car so I could get to work, and I would occasionally listen to the CDs he had in the CD changer. One such CD was a gift from Jen, where she burned all of my Dad’s favorite songs, along with a few other eclectic choices. Whenever I listen to the CD, I get choked up on certain songs, just because they have so much meaning behind them.

May I present to you my Dad’s CD No. 1:


“Dreams; That’s Where I Have to Go to See Your Beautiful Face”

I know this song by Gavin DeGraw is about a break up, but a lot of the lyrics relate to me missing Niff.

(The lines in bold are especially true)


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