Sibling Survivor Guilt

I was trolling the interweb looking for possible new topics to blog about, and I cam across this article called, “Sibling Survivor Guilt: What It Is, How It Works,” by Bob Baugher, Ph.D, and thought it was an important read (and even more important to share).

Mr. Baugher lists the common types of sibling grief, and I’ve added my 2 cents:


Queen of Confidence

Have I mentioned that I have the best friends in the whole wide world? Because I do. I really, really do.

Last week, my oldest and dearest friends took me out to dinner for my birthday. We had a very lovely dinner, got all caught up on the latest gossip, and shared in new and exciting news.

After our meals were cleared from the table, I opened my gifts. I staked them in size order, and when  got to the biggest, and last gift, I opened the box, and cried.


Angels on the Moon

Yesterday, I spent a very nice and relaxing day with my friends. We laid by the pool, tanned, made dinner, and made a bon fire and ate s’mores. We had the music playing outside, and at one point, a song came on that I never heard before.


Ice Cream & Spicy Nuggest

(I found this draft saved on my phone from October 8th. I know I wrote a blog similar to this, but I think it’s worth to re-post)

Jennifer and I always borrowed stuff from each other. Even best friends.


BFF Tattoo

I’ve had this image for a while, but I totally forgot to share it with you.

As you may know, many of Jen’s friends have gotten tattoos in remembrance of her. Jennifer’s best friend got a beautiful tattoo for her, and got it done on Jen’s birthday, November 3rd.


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