Let’s Honor Jen’s Memory

August 17th; you have visited us once again.

Can you even believe that it  has been 6 years? I can’t. I live in a perpetual state of Jen’s passing feeling like it was decades ago, or last week. Memories of that whole week are intensely clear, or ever-so slightly foggy. And it’s not just me; other people I’ve talked to feel the same way. Grief must have it’s own clock.


I Hate August

I hate August. Okay, that is pretty harsh to say, but I really, really don’t like August.



There’s an angel watching over you

There are some truly amazing people in the world.

Yesterday, one of our long time twirling friends asked me to stop by her job, because she had something for me. I got to her job later in the evening, and she handed me an envelope. Not having any idea what it could be, I opened it.


Thank You

Well, we made it through the one year mark. It was a rough day, but that was to be expected. However, I don’t think it would have been possible without the help and support from our friends and family, and for that, I want to say, “Thank you.”


“Appropriately, the Sunflower Droops Down Over Jen’s Cross”

This morning, my Dad dug up one of my sunflowers and put the roots in a bucket, and made sure the whole stalk stayed up.  I helped him put the bucket and 7’+ sunflower in his car, and then I left for work.

The results?


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