The Holidays, Grief, and You

I’ve blogged about it before, but I think it is important to discuss again. The holidays can be a very difficult time for anyone, especially those who may be grieving. This being my 7th Christmas without Jen, I feel like I may have some advice that I can share with anyone (and everyone) who may be having some sadness in their hearts this (and any) holiday season.


Dealing With the Holidays When You Are Grieving

Ah yes. The holiday season is upon us once again. For me, I find the holidays especially difficult because it makes me miss Jen the most. However, heading into my 6th season (holy moly!) without her, I’ve learned a few things. More

Baby, You’re a Firework

Another holiday is quickly approaching, and once again marks that time does not stop, no matter how much you wish it did. However, with that being said, I don’t feel as sad as I normally do on holidays. Maybe that is because this isn’t so much a family holiday, as it is a hang out with your friends holiday. Years past, Niff would hang out with her friends, and I with mine, so maybe that is why I am not feeling so blue.


Daddy’s Birthday Angel

Last weekend was my Daddy’s birthday. Like every year, and I’m sure ya’ll do the same, we asked my Dad want he wanted. He listed some of the normal Dad stuff (tools, shirts, etc…) but he said that he wanted an Angel Christmas yard decoration, to replace putting Christmas lights up on the house and trees.

My Mom and I were on a mission to find the perfect Angel for Dad. We looked everywhere. I looked at all the stores online, and my Mom hit the stores. No place had the kind we originally wanted; the large plastic kind that light up, like the plastic Santa and Frosty you may see.

Then, finally, my Mom and I found one online, but only days before my Dad’s birthday. I quick bought it online, and opted for the overnight shipping (which actually took 3 days) so we would have it in time.


Last Day of November

Holy cow.

Tomorrow is December. Where has the time gone? I can’t believe we just celebrated Thanksgiving, and Christmas is right around the corner.

In case you are keeping score, we have survived the following events:

[x] My 23rd Birthday
[x] Jen’s 19th Birthday
[x] Thanksgiving

… but we still have a lot more hurdles to clear.


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