Angels, Angels Everywhere

I didn’t really notice until after we put up the tree and started adding the ornaments, that we have a lot of angels in our house. Not just after Jennifer passed away; we’ve had some of these angels for a long time. I went around the house, and took pictures of all the angels I could find.

Our Angel Tree Topper. I got her on eBay when our original one was ruined in a flood. I was able to find the exact same one. Its for my Mom’s Dad who passed away


Tiffany & Co. Part III

Yes, I know. I have a problem. I need to stop spending money at Tiffany’s, but I just can’t help it.

Yesterday, I was in the city with my Lobster, and I had him take me to Tiffany & Co. on 5th Avenue (again). It was all decorated for Christmas, and looked really beautiful. They even had the hidden elevators opened for the extra shoppers. We traveled up to the 6th floor for home decor, bags and small gifts.
