Recap of The Compassionate Friends 35th National/5th International Conference

Boy, oh boy, it has been a busy week for yours  truly. Mom and I landed late Sunday night, and didn’t get back home until 2:00AM Monday morning. From there, it has been a constant race to try to make up lost time at work, as well as trying to prepare for my vacation next week with my Lobster. However, on this rainy Sunday, I am committing myself to recapping my recent trip to The Compassionate Friends 35th National/5th International Conference in Costa Mesa, California.

Update: I’ve been working on this post Sunday, Monday and now even on Tuesday


Blogging Your Way Through Grief

Well, after a long weekend in California, I am back home. My presentation went so well (far better than I expected)! I don’t have time to right now to recap the whole conference, but I wanted to share with you my presentation in the meantime.

Blogging Your Way Through Grief from Jacqueline DeVito
Keep an eye out for more updates from my weekend in Costa Mesa!

The Compassionate Friends’ 2012 National/International Conference in Costa Mesa, CA

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I have some exciting news to share. This is part of an e-mail I got the other day.



Palm Rose & Cross

I feel very guilty that I have not blogged in a while. It has been a very busy past week or so, and I just have not had time to gather my thoughts. However, I’m back, and have lots of good stories to share.

Mom and Dad just got home from a week long vacation in San Diego, California. They stayed at this amazing hotel, and did lots of shopping at the cute little stores and boutiques along the beaches.
