Partying In Mexico

The other night I had a really absurd dream. In my dream, Jen never died, but rather, was partying in Mexico for almost eight years and finally came back home.


*This is where I dreamed Nif was partying for eight years…


The Holidays, Grief, and You

I’ve blogged about it before, but I think it is important to discuss again. The holidays can be a very difficult time for anyone, especially those who may be grieving. This being my 7th Christmas without Jen, I feel like I may have some advice that I can share with anyone (and everyone) who may be having some sadness in their hearts this (and any) holiday season.


Happy Friendversary With Jennifer DeVito

Oh Facebook. Curse you and your complex algorithms.


Stop Bitching About Turning 30

That’s right. I said it.

For me, this year has been full of so many 30th birthdays. It seems that people have this preconceived notion that when you turn 30, you become “old.” Granted my husband teases me that I too will be turning 30 in a few weeks, but I simply reply with:

Bring. It. On.


St. Patrick’s Day Parade

In honor of St. Patrick’s Day later this week (Friday March 17, 2017), I wanted to share a YouTube video my parents found.

This is from 2009; Jen is twirling with the incredible Silver Starlites.

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