Random Act of Kindness on 8/17

In one week, next Friday, will be Niff’s two year angelversary. I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about something I wanted to do, something in honor or Jennifer. I played around with idea of organizing a big walk for friends and family, or getting everyone together to write messages on balloons and releasing them into the sky. In my head, they all seemed like great ideas, but I was scared that I would organize something, and no one would be able to make it. Then I would look like a crazy lady with 100 red balloons in some remote parking lot.

In its place, I came up with the idea to ask everyone to complete at least one Random Act of Kindness on the 17th. What is a Random Act of Kindess? Well I’m glad you asked.

A Random Act of Kindness is:

A selfless act performed by a person or people wishing to either assist or cheer up an individual person or people. The phrase may have been coined by Anne Herbert, who claims to have written “Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty” on a place mat at a Sausalito restaurant in 1982 or 1983. Either spontaneous or planned, random acts of kindness are encouraged by various communities.

I think it would be beautiful for everyone to do one random act of kindness in honor of Jennifer. After you finish whatever good deed you picked, you can reflect, “I did something nice for a complete stranger in honor of Niff.”

Not exactly sure what you can do? There is a great list on the Random Acts of Kindness’ website where they list hundreds of ideas. They don’t need to be anything too complex or even time consuming; just something nice you do for someone else.

Possible Ideas:

  • Donate used books to a library
  • Help someone with yard work, or offer to mow a neighbor’s lawn
  • Hold the door open for someone
  • Donate old blankets to an animal shelter
  • Let someone go in line in front of you
  • Pay the tab for the person behind you, like at a drive up Starbucks
  • Return a shopping cart from the parking lot
  • Write a letter to someone who made a difference in your life
  • Be a designated driver
  • Collect and donate canned food for a local food bank
  • Donate blood
  • Help someone load groceries into their car
  • Plant a tree

And the list goes on and on.

However, please remember to be smart and be safe with your Random Act of Kindness. For example, if you donate books to the library, call and ask how they would like the books dropped off. Even asking the best way to donate an item is a Random Act of Kindness in itself!

After, I’d love it if you all left a comment here, on Jen’s Facebook, or my facebook, with what Random Act of Kindness you did. I think doing something nice in Jen’s memory would be a beautiful gift for my family, myself, and most importantly, Niff ❤

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. emily
    Aug 10, 2012 @ 16:31:22

    jackie one of the moms in the group has cards printed up in honor of her son, go to the mid hudson bereved parents page her name is beverly howell


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